The family, staff of Positive Futures and best friends of John Francis (JF) Rodney and Pat would like to acknowledge and thank all who offered sympathy, help and support during our recent bereavement.
We wish to thank everyone who attended the wake, sent cards, posted tributes online, made donations and helped in any way during the wake or attended the funeral.
Special thanks to Fr. Graham, Fr. Gates and Fr. John Gilmore for the personal and touching Requiem Mass.
Thanks to Carole Hughes and Piper Eamon Downey for the beautiful singing and music.
Thank you to Paddy McCloy and staff of The Terrace Hotel, Magherafelt for the lovely refreshments.
Thanks to those who prepared John Francis’ (JF’s) final resting place.
A final thanks to Michael and Nicholas of J. A. Gormley Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all the funeral arrangements.
As it would not be possible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as an expression of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.
John Francis’ months mind mass was celebrated on Saturday 13th April at 6pm in St. Mary’s Church, Lavey.
Mass was viewed via: