The family of the late Thomas Convery wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everyone who sympathised with them during their recent sad bereavement.
We sincerely thank all our kind neighbours, friends and family and work colleagues for their kindness and ongoing support; all those who attended the wake, brought Mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers and brought food, sent messages, commented on social media and those who attended the funeral and joined via web-cam.
We would like to especially thank Fr Paddy Doherty and Fr Kieran O’ Doherty who celebrated the beautiful Requiem Mass for Thomas and for all their ongoing Spiritual Guidance. We thank Fr Paddy for being there for us on November 15th. Also to our kind cousins and neighbours who rushed to be with us on November 15th. We thank Carole and Sean who provided the beautiful music and singing, all those who read at the funeral and brought offertory gifts and also to Sally Mc Keown for preparing the Church. Many thanks Gavin Toner the gravedigger who left the grave so beautifully finished.
Many thanks to all the kind friends, family and neighbours who helped out at the wake. Many thanks to the committee and the ladies’ committee of Fallaghloon AOH who helped out at Thomas’ wake and for the provision of refreshments following the funeral and also to Mc Kee’s of Maghera for providing the food.
We would like to express our gratitude to JA Gormley Funeral Directors, Maghera & Coleraine, Michael and Nicholas for the professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. We are indebted to Mickey and Nicky who are always only a phone call away.
We would like to thank all the kind Doctors, nurses and reception staff in Maghera Medical Centre, Dr Mc Neill, Dr Shaw and Dr Hillen for all the medical attention Thomas received.
We express sincere gratitude to all the kind Doctors, Nurses and staff at Antrim Area Hospital and The Causeway Hospital for treating Thomas over the last two years.
We also express sincere thanks to the Emergency First Responder, The PSNI and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service who responded so quickly on November 15th, and for the sympathetic, compassionate way they conducted their duties.
While it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please take this as a token of our heartfelt thanks and appreciation from Thomas’ family circle from both his mother’s and father’s sides of the family. We are indebted to you all.
Joanne and Jimmy, Jenny and Martin. Stephen and Chloe, Grainne and Liam, Shane and Catherine. Aaron. Liam, Caleb and Scarlett. Aunt Susie, Uncle Charlie, Aunt Marion and all our kind cousins and wider family circle and Thomas’ good friends.
Thomas’ Month’s Mind Mass was celebrated on Friday 20th December at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church, Glen, Maghera.
The Mass was viewed via: st-patricks-church-maghera - MCN