The family of the late Joseph (Joe) Convery wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who sympathised with them during their recent bereavement. We offer our heartfelt thanks to all of our family, extended family, friends and neighbours for all the many ways they helped during the wake and funeral.
For all those who sent messages of condolences, mass cards, brought food, visited our home or attended Joe’s funeral we are truly grateful for your support and kindness. We wish to convey our gratitude to those who travelled long distances to be with us.
A special word of thanks to Fr Paddy Doherty, Fr Kieran O'Doherty, Fr Hugh Lagan and Fr John Gilmore for celebrating the requiem mass and to Una McGill for the beautiful music as well as the gravedigger for preparing the grave.
Grateful thanks to the doctors and nurses of Maghera Medical Centre, Glass’ Pharmacy for suppling the medication, and the carers who cared for Joe during his illness.
Thank you to Watty Graham’s Glen GAC, Crawford's Supermarket and Walsh’s Hotel for providing refreshments throughout the wake and after the funeral. We wish to express our gratitude to J. A. Gormley Funeral Directors for the dignified and compassionate way in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our deep appreciation.
Joe’s Months Mind Mass was held in St. Patrick’s Church, Glen on Friday 7th February 2025 at 7.30pm.
Mass was viewed via: st-patricks-church-maghera - MCN