We, the family of the late Kevin Bradley, would like to express our sincere thanks to all who sympathised with us and offered support during our recent bereavement.
We would especially like to thank our extended family, neighbours and friends who supported us throughout and all those who attended the wake and funeral.
Thank you to all who sent mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers, and messages of condolence and to those who travelled long distances to be with us.
A special word of thanks to Fr Seamus O'Neill, Fr Paddy Doherty, Fr Kieran O'Doherty and Fr Brian Brady for their spiritual guidance and for the very fitting and personal Requiem Mass.
We are grateful to the O'Kane family for the beautiful music.
We extend our thanks also to Dr Niblock at Antrim Hospital for the coordination of Kevin’s care during his short illness.
Our sincere gratitude goes to Michael and Nicholas from J. A. Gormley Funeral Directors, Maghera, for their empathy, compassion and professional service.
As it’s impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgment serves as a token of our appreciation for the kindness and comfort received during our bereavement.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Kevin was the cornerstone of our family and will be sorely missed.
A much-loved husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle who will remain forever in our hearts.
Kevin’s Month’s Mind Mass was celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church, Glen, on Friday 3rd January 2025 at 7:30 PM and was streamed live on the Church webcam: https://mcnmedia.tv/camera/st-patricks-church-maghera