We the family of the late Annie and Joey Walls, extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who supported us during our recent bereavements.
We would especially like to thank our extended family, friends and neighbours, as well as those who attended both wake and funerals.
We would also like to thank all who prepared and provided food to both Annie and Joeys wake and to everyone who sent sympathy cards and paid tributes online, sent messages and travelled distance to be with us.
We will be eternally thankful to all the medical doctors who expertly co-ordinated Joey’s care throughout his illness and to all the medical staff in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Antrim Area Hospital, Charis Cancer Care, Northern Ireland Ambulance Services, and the Cancer Centre within Belfast City Hospital. In particular, the nurses in ward 2b who cared for Joey with such dignity, compassion and respect during his final days, while also providing our family with unending support.
We acknowledge with gratitude the professional care and support provided by Doctors, staff and district nurses from Draperstown Surgery to Annie walls.
A special word of thanks to Father Paddy Doherty and Father Kieran O’Doherty for their spiritual guidance and for the very fitting and personal Requiem Mass of Annie and Joey Walls. We would also like to thank Bernie Cuskeran for the music provided at services.
Our sincere gratitude to J. A. Gormley Funeral Directors who provided the most professional, dignified and caring service throughout. We also acknowledge and thank the grave diggers.
A special thank you to C.L.G Watty Grahams, An Glenn for the traffic management as well as providing meals and refreshments after the funerals. We also would like to thank An Rath Dubh for their chairs and catering equipment to facilitate during the wakes.
We will always remember the support and compassion shown to us during this difficult time. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement serves as a token of our deepest gratitude.
Annie and Joey’s Months Mind Mass was celebrated on Friday 7th February at 7:30pm at St. Patrick's Church, Glen.
Mass was viewed via: st-patricks-church-maghera - MCN